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Ep 10. Miranda Tomenson

“My time as an athlete is limited. I just want to make sure that every time I show up at the start line or in training, I make the most of what my body can do.”

Miranda Tomenson is a Canadian triathlete placed number one in the 2021 World Ironman Ranking female 35 to 39 age category after two Ironman age-group wins and a first overall finish at Ironman 70.3 Muskoka (a half Ironman).

A former professional triathlete, after a devastating knee injury in 2015, Miranda now competes as an age group athlete while running her own performance and wellness company where she coaches other triathletes.

Miranda started off as a swimmer and has been doing endurance sports since she was 11. Athletics gave her a focus when she was growing up and so she continued it into her adulthood.

Her first Ironman was in 2013, and since then she’s completed six full Ironman, numerous half Ironman, and has been working towards her goal of getting her finish time under nine hours with rigorous training.

Later this year, Miranda will be competing in the 2022 Ironman World Championships Kona, where the best triathletes from around the world get together and race.

In this episode, Miranda talks about:

  • Race day at Ironman Cozumel (2021), where she achieved her best time (9:16:12) so far

  • Why the Ironman race is considered one of the toughest one-day sporting events in the world: “It’s not just show up and race. There’s a lot of preparation you have to do before these races”

  • How she deals with a leaky goggle, flat tire and extreme heat on race day

  • Her most challenging and most disappointing Ironman

  • What keeps her going when she wants to give up

  • Her Ironman training schedule

  • Ironman training for beginners: “To do an Ironman, you need anywhere from one to five years to prepare your body if you’ve not done the sport before”

  • How she became a competitive triathlete

  • What she loves about triathlon racing: “I found that my role as an athlete helped me develop traits that would carry over to other parts of my life. I was a better student when I was an athlete. I was friendlier and happier when I was an athlete”

  • How she manages her time between training, her business and family

Miranda Tomenson: @mirandatomenson

Tomenson Performance: @tomensonpw

Wiser Living with Sissi Wang: @wiserlivingpodcast


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